Getting Real – Creative – with Perfect365’s SoReal AI® Photo Editing App

Photo Editing App

Perfect365 – the globally-loved, award-winning app that is rumored to be a fave of uber-influencer Kim Kardashian (shhh, you didn’t hear it here) has done it again:

The latest success (you heard the prediction here first) is a photo editing app powered by AI:  the SoReal AI app is a departure from the usual ‘oh you don’t look good enough’ message implicit in most of the beauty editing offerings, focusing instead on creativity, imagination and options.  Lots of options.

Here’s a short list of the goodies delivered up by this AI-app powerhouse:

AI Effects—magazine, cd cover, neon lights, love, movie posters, golden hour, Mother’s Day, popular trends ​

SoReal AI Avatars—Astronaut, Future Fashion, Street Style, Warrior Princess, Female Cyborg, Hip Hop Cover, Gothic, Tattoo, International Supermodel, Dragon Mother, Retro, Jungle Adventure, Sci-fi, Male Cyborg, Lost Desert, Graffiti, Male Model, Knight, Warrior, Golden Armor, Beefcake and Noble.

Filters​—popular, blush and AI recommended filters  ​

Colors​—any color, any subject or background, white balance, saturation, vibrance

Details​—sharpen, fade, vintage, grainy​

Lights—any subject, any background, exposure, shadow, etc.​

Background—replace and adjustments

Blur​—focus, direction, intensity, styles, area selection

AI Makeup Looks—from natural to night out with quick adjustments

Too good to be true?  We think not, and with over a billion downloads already worldwide, Perfect365 is, in our humble opinion, a photo editing app leader who just next-levelled the game.

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